How to Lose 5 Kilograms Without Doing Anything


How to Lose 5 Kilograms Without Doing Anything: Simple Eating Habits for Every Day

It would seem that 5 kg is a relatively small overweight, but for many, it becomes a real fatal line, which they just can’t cross! We have collected 7 main and simplest tips that will help move the scale arrow from the dead point and found out the opinion of a nutrition expert.

Increase the amount of protein in your menu

Even if you think you’re eating enough protein, we bet you’ll be surprised to learn How Much Protein Should Be Included in One Meal. Protein is the king of weight loss. It keeps you feeling full for a long time, protects you from blood sugar spikes (and therefore compulsive overeating), and serves as a building block for muscles and healthy skin.

Use vegetable oil in a spray

You don’t have to buy a spray from the store – they’re pretty expensive. Get a dispenser and pour your cooking oil into it. What does it do? You don’t pour oil into the pan, you spray it with a spray, evenly covering the surface of the cookware with a very thin oil film that prevents food from sticking – and at the same time, you save yourself extra calories.

Start your morning with gymnastics

Trivial advice, right? But it works — that’s also true. It takes 21 days to form a habit, so the main thing is to be disciplined for three weeks, and then morning exercises will become a regular thing for you. Do what you like — yoga asanas, planks, warm-ups, and stretching with a trainer from social networks, the main thing is to do it! By the way, you can try adding vibration massage according to Mikulin, who recently wrote about it.

Always start your meal with a vegetable salad.

It is especially important to do this before large meals. Vegetables will provide you with healthy fiber, vitamins, and phytonutrients. And they will take up space in your stomach – so you will stop overeating heavy food. Just do not dress the salad with mayonnaise or other fatty processed sauces, this will negate all the benefits.

Keep a food diary

Research shows that people who keep such notes lose weight twice as fast as those who are too lazy to write down everything they eat. Draw your own conclusions.

Leave four pieces from each meal on your plate.

Yes, throwing away food is bad, but neither is overeating. This approach will allow you to get used to a different portion size and avoid a couple of hundred extra calories a day. In just a couple of weeks, the results will make themselves known.

Season your food with lemon juice

Fresh lemon enhances the taste of dishes and allows you to add less salt to them, which is, of course, useful when losing weight. Lemon juice goes especially well with lettuce, chicken, and fish – in a word, the most delicious healthy food. The best chefs use this trick!

Fat burning is affected by a balanced diet: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. All nutrients are vital for the body. Therefore, it is impossible to say that any specific product will promote weight loss.

And protein is not a panacea. If you consume a lot of it, then there is a high probability that it simply will not be absorbed by the body. This will negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys. A person who wants to lose weight needs 1.2-1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of their own weight.

Also, do not forget about complex carbohydrates (cereals), vegetables, and fats. Remember that the diet should be at least 1200 kcal per day, otherwise the metabolism will slow down. The weight loss process may stop altogether since the body is under stress with a lower calorie content.

Don’t be afraid of oils. We don’t get fat from them but from the excess of overall calories. Oil in a dispenser with a spray is a great idea to reduce its consumption. A few sprays in a salad or on a frying pan are enough.

How to Lose 5 Kilograms Without Doing Anything

How to Lose 5 Kilograms Without Doing Anything

An important factor that influences weight loss is physical activity.

The best time for it is the first half of the day: more energy, the body and organism are not tired yet, and brain activity is active. Productivity is higher in the first half of the day. And the elementary rule works: do the job – walk boldly. Light activity, and training for an average duration (of 30-40 minutes) will have a great effect on the body.

In the evening, especially after work, few people want to study. It is better to rest and praise yourself for the work done.

If there is no time in the morning, then in the evening you can do something light: stretching, a set of exercises for relaxation or for pain and tension in the body, MFR training (myofascial release).

How to Lose 5 Kilograms Without Doing Anything

It is not necessary to start every meal with a vegetable salad if you do not want to. Instead, you can prepare a variety of dishes with vegetables. Or add any vegetables (stewed, baked, fresh) to the main balanced dish (according to BZHU).

Lemon juice instead of salt, a food diary, and other habits make sense to implement only if you do not have an internal protest. From a state of pleasure, and not from a feeling of “must”, without counting calories, strict diets, and other restrictions, the scale arrow will move faster from the dead point, and the process of losing weight itself will be much more enjoyable.