12 Simple Flat Belly Exercises You Can Do Right at Work

12 Simple Flat Belly Exercises You Can Do Right at Work
Flat Belly Exercises You Can Do at Work? Are you embarrassed to undress even in front of the mirror because of your less-than-perfect abs? It’s time to do exercises for a flat stomach at home. Start training today, and the folds on your stomach will disappear without a trace!

The question of how to remove belly fat with the help of exercises is relevant for many girls: if many like curvy hips, then their bulging belly does not delight many. We offer a simple training program suitable for home use.

Exercises for a flat stomach in a chair

A perfectly flat stomach is not a distant dream, but a reality. And you can achieve it not only in the gym under the strict guidance of a personal trainer but also at home. We have compiled for you a selection of 12 simple exercises for a flat stomach that you can do at home, sitting right in a chair or on a stool.

Knee to chest raises

Sit on the edge of a chair or armchair, bend one knee and press it to your chest with your hands, then lower your leg back to the floor. Repeat with the other leg. Do 20-30 reps, alternating knees. This simple abdominal exercise for a flat stomach strengthens muscles, improves digestion, and burns fat.

Raising your knees into the air while tensing your abdominal muscles

Sit on the edge of a chair or armchair and bend both legs at the knees. Leaning on the chair or armchair, begin to lift both legs to the chest. Do not lower your legs to the floor during the approaches. Do 10-20 repetitions of this effective exercise for a flat stomach. During the workout, all abdominal muscles will be involved – isn’t that great?

Knee raises with bends

Sitting on a chair or armchair, bend both legs at the knees and lift them into the air. Start bending to the right and left sides – 10-20 repetitions on each side will be enough. This workout works the oblique abdominal muscles wonderfully and helps burn fat on the sides. A great exercise for a flat stomach and a thin waist!

Bends for a flat stomach

Sit on the edge of a chair and spread your legs wide. Bend your body, alternately touching the floor with your right and left hands. Do 20-30 repetitions, changing sides with each bend. The exercise will not only help you get a flat stomach: but you will also melt fat on your stomach, sides, and thighs.

Triceps pumping

Stand with your back to the chair, put your hands back and find support on the surface. Holding onto the edge of the chair with your hands, start squatting with your legs wide apart. Repeat the exercise 10-20 times. This workout will not only help burn belly fat, but will also help keep your back and shoulder muscles toned. In just a week of regular exercise, you will be able to make your stomach flatter.

Knee to Elbow Raises to Strengthen Abdominal and Waist Muscles

An exercise for a flat stomach and waist will not take much time. Sit on the edge of a chair, spread your legs wide, and put your hands behind your head so that your elbows are pointing in different directions. Alternately squeeze your right knee and pull your left elbow to it and vice versa. Do 4 sets of 15 repetitions. This way, you will not only work your abs but also form a wasp waist.

What other exercises for a flat stomach can you do in the gym and at home?

You can start your abdominal workout with exercises in a chair, but then we recommend you try other exercises. A variety of loads will make your workouts more fun and interesting.

Exercise for women “Bridge”: flat stomach and toned buttocks

This exercise will not only help you get rid of your belly, but also strengthen your back and buttocks. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet on the floor. Now, tensing your abdominal muscles, lift your buttocks. Your shoulders remain pressed to the floor, and your arms lie along your body. Hold the top position for as long as you can, and return to the starting position.


When it comes to abdominal exercises, this is the first exercise that comes to mind. And rightly so: it works the abdominal muscles perfectly. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet on the floor. Clasp your hands behind your head, with your elbows pointing out to the sides. Now, as you exhale, lift your body, opening your head, shoulders, and shoulder blades from the floor. Your lower back should remain pressed to the floor, and your chin should be stretched upward.

Leg swings to work the lower abdomen

Leg swings to work the lower abdomen

Lie down on the floor again, but this time stretch your legs and arms. Raise your right and left legs one at a time, pressing your lower back to the floor. Ideally, your legs should be straight when doing this flat stomach exercise, but you can bend your legs slightly at first.


Lie on your back, arms along the body, straight legs raised at an angle of 45 degrees. As you exhale, cross your legs, as you inhale, and return to the starting position, your back should be pressed firmly to the floor at all times. An effective workout for a flat stomach also helps to tighten your hips.


If you don’t like regular exercises for a flat stomach, try static workouts. The good news: they are no less effective than regular exercises. The bad news: doing such exercises is not as easy as it seems from the outside. Take a prone position, feet shoulder-width apart, palms under the shoulder joints, back must be straight, stomach tensed. Hold the position as long as you can – longer each day.


How to get a flat stomach? Pull it in regularly. You can do the exercise in any position. Inflate your stomach as you inhale, pull it in as hard as you can as you exhale, and hold your breath while holding it.

How to do abdominal exercises correctly

As much as we would like to, it is impossible to burn fat in a single area. Exercises for a flat stomach will help you tighten your muscles, but if these muscles are hidden under a thick layer of fat, then no one will see your toned abs until you lose weight. You cannot do without a reasonable diet and cardio.

Abdominal workouts should be regular. It is best to do the exercises every other day, doing them 10-15 times in two sets. Before training, be sure to warm up: energetic dancing for 5 minutes will help warm up the muscles. And, of course, you should exercise on an empty stomach, and not after a hearty meal.

What abdominal exercises are ineffective?

It is important to know how to train your abs correctly. If you do not perform the exercises correctly, you will strain the wrong muscles, or your joints will suffer. When training, make sure that it is your abs that are strained, not your hips, back, or even your arms.

When doing exercises for a flat stomach in the gym, it is better to refuse to use dumbbells. Your task is not to build mass, but to get rid of excess fat and make the muscles elastic. Side bends with dumbbells pump up the oblique abdominal muscles well, but your waist will only become wider from this. Do you need it?

Even the best abdominal exercises can be useless or even harmful if there are contraindications. If you are pregnant or have problems with your spine (especially in the lumbar region), you will have to give up training. You should not do exercises if you have pain in your abdomen or back – at least until you consult a doctor.

For a flat and toned stomach, you need a balanced diet, compliance with the KBZhU, and fiber consumption (cucumbers, bell peppers, zucchini, greens, cauliflower). You should exclude from your diet foods that contain trans fats, baked goods, bakery products, fast carbohydrates, sugar, large amounts of fruit, carbonated drinks, and alcohol. It is advisable not to eat food two hours before bedtime. Breakfast and lunch should be dense and consist of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, and dinner should be light and consist of protein and fiber; you can eat a vegetable salad and fish or turkey fillet.

There should be a good amount of activity during the day, this can be just walking and strength training. The most effective exercises are crunches and reverse crunches, leg lifts and straight crunches, you can also use equipment (roller, bolster). It is best to do the exercise for a flat stomach on an empty stomach or after a meal, but not earlier than two hours after a meal (depending on how dense the meal was). For the best effect, you should do a vacuum on an empty stomach.

To speed up the process of losing weight and getting a flat stomach and a beautiful waist, you should resort to various detoxes, and smoothies (vegetables, with a high content of greens). But fruits should be limited a little since they contain a large amount of fructose, which slows down the metabolism. You should drink as much clean water as possible (30 ml per 1 kg of weight) and be sure to do cardio workouts, for example, go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Contrast showers and baths will also have a positive effect on the body and help remove slags and toxins. You can also resort to salon procedures, such as anti-cellulite, and lymphatic drainage massages, which will relieve swelling from the whole body and “drive out” stagnant water. You can also add sorbents to the diet, the use of Polysorb can help eliminate bloating and spasms. Sorbents contribute to gentle cleansing of the intestines and weight loss.

The time required to achieve a flat and toned stomach varies from person to person, depending on the initial situation, excess weight, and waist size. It will also depend on how closely the recommendations are followed (calories, fats, carbohydrates, nutrition, exercise, activity, genetic data, absence of bad habits, heredity, lifestyle).

Compliance with and combination of activity, training, proper nutrition, and the use of dietary supplements will lead not only to a flat and toned stomach but also to a good condition of the body as a whole.