Iron deficiency in women

Prevention of iron deficiency in women

What are the main symptoms and causes of iron deficiency in women? Together with a general practitioner, we answer these questions and discuss effective ways to replenish iron deficiency in the body in women and preventive measures

Iron deficiency in women is a condition in which the level of iron in the body decreases, which leads to a drop in hemoglobin and a decrease in red blood cells. Symptoms of iron deficiency in women: weakness, dizziness, pale skin.

Symptoms of Iron Deficiency in Women

There are several syndromes that are characteristic of iron deficiency in women.

  • Hypoxic – characterized by general weakness, a person has difficulty tolerating physical activity, it is difficult for him to concentrate, he has pale skin and mucous membranes, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, headaches, dizziness, and tinnitus may appear.
  • Sideropenic – manifests itself in perverted tastes (the desire to eat chalk, raw foods, clay), in changes in the sense of smell (a person begins to like the smell of acetone, paints, exhaust gases), brittle nails and excessive hair loss, dry skin are also noted, a burning sensation of the tongue may appear.

In addition to the listed symptoms of iron deficiency, women experience changes in the gastrointestinal tract, chronic gastritis may develop, and the intestines will begin to absorb nutrients from food worse.

Causes of Iron Deficiency in Women

There are several reasons that can lead to iron deficiency:

  • blood loss: during menstruation, during childbirth, from the gastrointestinal tract, from the genitourinary tract (with some kidney diseases);
  • disruption of the process of iron absorption in the intestine (during removal of the stomach or part of the intestine, with functional insufficiency of the pancreas, with diseases such as celiac enteropathy, Crohn’s disease);
  • imbalance between iron intake from food and the body’s needs (this situation is observed in women during pregnancy and/or lactation);
  • insufficient iron intake from food (often found in vegetarians).

The causes of iron deficiency in women can be different. It is important to conduct the necessary examinations in order to promptly identify possible disorders and prescribe the necessary treatment.

12-150 mcg/l decrease
Hemoglobin 120-160 g/l
MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin) 28-32 pg
MCV (mean corpuscular volume) 80-95 fl
  • Serum iron is the iron content in the blood serum.
  • TIBC (total iron-binding capacity of serum) is an indicator that reflects the amount of iron that can be transported by the blood.
  • Transferrin is a protein that transports iron ions.
  • Ferritin is a protein that functions as an iron depot in the body.
  • MCH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin) – used for differential diagnosis.
  • MCV (mean corpuscular volume) – in some conditions (sickle cell anemia) the indicator may be unreliable.

How to Replenish Iron Deficiency in Women

To restore the concentration of iron in the body, both drug treatment, which is selected individually by the doctor, and diet, as well as the inclusion of vitamins in the diet, are used.

Iron Rich Foods

Let’s list the foods that are recommended for consumption in case of iron deficiency:

  • Animal products – kidneys, liver, spleen. They are the undisputed leader, even in comparison with plant products, which are declared as an alternative for vegetarians. The largest amount of iron is contained in pork liver and red meat.
  • Fish and seafood. Also a source of iodine and essential vitamins.
  • Plant-based products – cereals, legumes, spinach, dried fruits, cauliflower, beets. It is worth noting that the iron in these products is absorbed much worse than from liver or red meat.
  • Eggs. In addition to being a source of iron, they contain a large amount of magnesium, unsaturated fatty acids, and vitamins that are essential for the body.
  • Dark chocolate. However, you should not abuse this sweet.

Iron content in foods

Product Iron content (mg/100g)
Dried mushrooms 35
Seaweed 16
Fresh rose hips 11.5
Liver 9
Buckwheat 7.8
Hercules 7.8
Beef tongue 5
Rabbit meat 4.4
Peaches 4.1
Turkey meat 4
Chicken meat 3
Beef 2.8
Pear 2,3
Mackerel 2,3
Carp 2,2
Apples 2,2
Plum 2.1
Source: Federal Budgetary Institution of Healthcare “Center for Hygienic Education of the Population” of Rospotrebnadzor


Iron deficiency in a woman’s body can be replenished with vitamin complexes containing iron, but it is important to remember that iron supplements should be taken after consulting a doctor. It is also important to include vitamins in the diet:

  • group B: B12 is necessary for the formation of erythrocytes – red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body thanks to the hemoglobin they contain, B6 is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, B5 and B9 are important for ensuring the stability of the cells needed for synthesis;
  • Vitamin C – facilitates the absorption of iron, suppresses the action of substances that interfere with its normal absorption in the intestine;
  • Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is involved in the synthesis of iron;
  • Vitamin A – affects the formation of red blood cells and is involved in the synthesis of proteins that help iron accumulate in the liver.

To restore the concentration of iron in the body, both drug treatment, which is selected individually by the doctor, and diet, as well as the inclusion of vitamins in the diet, are used.


The causes of iron deficiency in women can be not only physiological (menstruation, pregnancy) and pathological (concomitant diseases), but also strict diets and vegetarianism.

The main principles of the iron deficiency diet are sufficient consumption of nutrients, micro and macroelements, which help to increase the concentration of hemoglobin in the body. The caloric content of the diet should be slightly increased (3000-3500 kilocalories per day), the amount of proteins and carbohydrates should be increased, while fats should be slightly reduced.

Let’s list the basic principles of proper nutrition:

  • eating 4-6 times a day (this allows you to increase the caloric content and ensure maximum absorption of all nutrients);
  • food should be warm (hot and excessively cold food has a negative effect on intestinal motility and microflora);
  • preference should be given to boiled, stewed or baked foods, since harmful elements are formed during frying;
  • strict restriction of alcohol;
  • water should be in the required quantity per day – 2-2.5 liters;
  • There are no strict restrictions on salt, it is important to follow the norm (8-12 grams) and it is advisable to use iodized salt.

In the initial stages, a balanced diet may be sufficient to normalize iron concentrations in the body.

Prevention of iron deficiency in women

Since the main cause of iron deficiency is insufficient intake of iron from food, then by creating a balanced diet you can avoid serious complications in the future.

It is important to understand that not all iron-containing products are equally absorbed in the intestines. The best source of this element is animal products (pork, beef, cottage cheese, fish products). Plant products are only a supplement and cannot completely replace the intake of essential substances.

There are substances that enhance or, on the contrary, inhibit the absorption of iron in the intestine. Vitamin C is used as a stimulant, which is found in large quantities in sweet peppers, spinach, and currants. It is these products that are best consumed together with meat. With excessive consumption of coffee or strong tea, a decrease in iron absorption in the intestine is observed.

Prevention of iron deficiency in women is important at any age, especially during pregnancy, lactation or heavy menstruation.

Popular Questions and Answers

We discussed   important issues related to iron deficiency in women with general practitioner Tatyana Pomerantseva .

Which doctor should I see if I have signs of iron deficiency?

— In case of increased fatigue, increased heart rate, the appearance of perverted tastes or other symptoms that may indicate iron deficiency, it is necessary to consult a therapist. After talking with the patient, assessing the clinical picture and some laboratory and instrumental data, the doctor will select an individual treatment.

How is iron deficiency diagnosed?

— To determine iron deficiency in the body, examination data (assessment of the skin and mucous membranes, measurement of blood pressure and heart rate), laboratory and instrumental studies are used.

The necessary minimum of laboratory tests include:

• complete blood count (determination of hemoglobin concentration, number of red blood cells – with iron deficiency anemia, their decrease is noted);
• study of serum iron metabolism indices (ferritin, transferrin, TIBC (iron-binding capacity of serum), coefficient of transferrin iron saturation).

Instrumental methods are necessary to determine the source of bleeding or identify concomitant pathology that could be the cause of decreased iron content in the body. These diagnostic methods include:

• X-ray or computed tomography of the chest organs;
• ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, pelvis;
• thyroid gland ultrasound;
• electrocardiography.

Additional diagnostic methods that are important for clarifying the concomitant disease include:

• biochemical blood test (indicators evaluate the functional state of the liver, kidneys, pancreas);
• determination of HIV, hepatitis, syphilis;
• general urine analysis.

What are the risks of iron deficiency in the body for women?

— At the initial stages, iron deficiency in women is not capable of causing serious complications. However, a long-term lack of this element in the body has a negative effect on many organs and systems.

The greatest danger is posed by disorders in the cardiovascular system: arrhythmia (disturbances in normal rhythm), changes in the contractility of the heart, heart failure or the development of myocardial infarction.

It is especially important to monitor the concentration of iron during pregnancy since the deficiency has a negative effect on both the mother and the normal development of the child.

How to take iron correctly?

— Let’s list the basic rules that will help iron to be absorbed in the body as much as possible.

• The required dosage and duration of taking the drug should be selected by the doctor individually.
• Be sure to follow the instructions – they describe the dosage, at what time of day, before or after meals it is better to take the drug, as well as what liquid to wash it down with. All these points affect the absorption of iron.
• Do not take iron supplements with certain medications that slow down or even block the absorption process (antacids, proton pump blockers, antibiotics, calcium supplements).
• Do not drink tea or coffee for several hours (1-2).
• It is recommended to wash down the drug with acidified water (juices, compotes).
• It is contraindicated to wash it down with carbonated drinks, dairy products, tea.
• In case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or infectious diseases, taking the drug must be agreed with the attending physician.


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  3. Lewis S.M., Bain B., Bates I. Practical and laboratory hematology / trans. from English edited by A.G. Rumyantseva. – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009.