The Secret to Weight Loss with Bulletproof Butter Coffe

Bulletproof Butter Coffee The Secret to Weight Loss

Today we decided to share The Secret to Weight Loss with you a very unusual recipe for coffee with butter and explain why it is so useful. And the famous American food blogger Ksenia Avdulova, the author of the popular site Breakfast Criminals and a blog on Instagram , will tell us about it . So, let Ksenia speak.

For a year now, every morning I start not with breakfast, but with coffee with butter, also known as “Bulletproof Coffee”.

“Excuse me, what?!” you ask. “Coffee with butter?”

I know it sounds weird. But in the US, where I live, the Bulletproof movement is gaining crazy momentum. The new way to drink coffee, according to scientists and in my own experience, improves concentration, and appetite control, aids digestion, and gives you energy for the day, especially if you drink it before meals. When you don’t feel like eating but need a boost, buttered coffee is the way to go.

Hollywood stars and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs have openly professed their love for this morning ritual on Instagram and TV, and the line at Bulletproof Cafe in Santa Monica seems endless.

The Magic of Bulletproof Coffee

Coffee with butter is not just another healthy lifestyle trend: it is a scientifically proven formula. This drink saturates well, speeds up metabolism, and eliminates hunger for several hours. Its creator, scientist, and businessman David Asprey, claims that thanks to Bulletproof he lost 45 extra kilos and increased his IQ by 20 points.

He was inspired to create this coffee by tsampa, a national Tibetan drink made from tea and yak butter. In 2004, Asprey studied meditation in Tibet and, following the example of local monks, tried tsampa, after which he immediately felt the invigorating effect of the drink. As a result of culinary experiments, Asprey came up with the formula for Bulletproof Coffee, which includes freshly brewed coffee, grass-fed butter, and MCT oil (a fitness supplement for burning fat and building muscle, a type of synthetic dietary fat that is made from coconut oil).

While I try to avoid dairy for the sake of healthy hormones and skin (the dairy industry in the US leaves much to be desired), I make exceptions for high-quality ghee and grass-fed butter.

What is Grass-Fed Butter?

Grass-fed butter is made from the milk of cows that are fed only grass, not soy or feed corn. Due to this, the butter is free of harmful fats and helps normalize cholesterol levels.

First thing in the morning, I make my version of butter coffee, then head to yoga or use the energy of this magical drink for productive work. Typically, this drink keeps me full for 2-3 hours – just enough time to have a late breakfast or early lunch. For some Bulletproof fans, the butter drink replaces breakfast entirely, which is perfectly acceptable from a nutritionist’s perspective. That’s why butter coffee is a must-have in my mornings.

Grass-fed oil has the following beneficial properties.

  • Contains conjugated linoleic acid – healthy fats that help regulate cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure, and help reduce body fat. Plus, this acid helps improve brain function and reduces the risk of developing nervous diseases.
  • Contains an optimal proportion of omega-6 to omega-3 amino acids, which helps strengthen the body at the cellular level and reduce internal inflammation.
  • Improves metabolism and digestion, and accustoms your body to the process of burning excess fat.
  • Contains vitamins D and K2, which strengthen bones and teeth.

Today, Bulletproof Coffee is on the menu at most progressive health food establishments, especially those that follow the paleo diet. The average price for a cup is $5–6. The good news is that a simplified version of butter coffee can easily be made at home. Ready to give it a try? Here’s my Bulletproof Coffee recipe.

Butter Coffee Recipe for Energy, Weight Loss, and Healthy Hormones

To make Bulletproof Coffee you will need:

1) a large cup of freshly brewed black coffee;

2) 1 tablespoon unsalted grass-fed butter (start with a teaspoon and work your way up). For a vegan version, omit the grass-fed butter and just add coconut oil;

3) 1 teaspoon coconut oil or MCT Oil – a natural supplement made from coconut oil fatty acids that improves cognitive function.

Additionally, you can add the following superfoods:

  • 1 serving of collagen – an excellent source of easily digestible protein (for elastic, glowing skin and strong nails, healthy gut, and strong joints);
  • 1/2 teaspoon ashwagandha or maca (to balance hormones);
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon (balances blood sugar levels, improves metabolism, and reduces appetite).

All ingredients are whipped in a blender or shaker.

The result is a cup of foamy, unexpectedly sweet coffee that resembles a frappuccino. Considering the delicate taste of the drink and the incredible surge of energy it gives, after just one cup of coffee with butter it will be difficult to return to regular black coffee – no wonder the most successful people in the world are crazy about it.

Just try to ignore the strangeness of mixing butter and coffee and give this magical drink a chance!